26 September 2022 – Flitton Harvest Supper & Produce Sale
Monday 26 September – Flitton Harvest Supper & Auction of Produce Thank you so much to all those who have donated to our Food Bank and Harvest Festival collections. The donations were given to The Need Project. This excellent Christian organisation gives food parcels to people in need across Central Bedfordshire. Jo Holt took another

24 September 2022 – Silsoe Harvest Supper
Saturday 24 September – Silsoe Harvest Supper 7.30pm in Silsoe Village Hall – Tickets £12 per person A traditional Ham and Cheese Ploughman’s Supper followed by Apple Pie and cream, with Apple Juice will be provided, or you are welcome to bring your own drink if you prefer. Disposable plates, cutlery and glasses will be

24 September 2022 – Church Vision Morning
Saturday 24 September – Church Vision Morning 10:00 am – 1:00 pm Summary of the Morning You can read Simon and Louise’s summary of the morning here Rev Simon and Rev Louise say ‘Our prayer is that we will discover together the way forward to serve the villages of Flitton, Pulloxhill and Silsoe, to bring

16 – 18 September Flitton Knitted Bible Exhibition
16/17/18 September – Flitton Bible Yarns Exhibition Update from Margaret The Knitted Bible Exhibition was amazing – even more effective than I had expected. It was lovely to see so many people. A huge thank you to all helpers, cake bakers, craft makers, jam makers etc. Everyone who came said how impressed they were with

10 September 2022 – Historic Churches Bike Ride
Saturday 10 September – Historic Churches Bike ‘n Hike Update from Margaret I managed to visit the 15 churches and cycle a marathon. It was quite subdued but I’m convinced that The Queen would have approved of the event and the people who took part. Thanks to everyone who sponsored me. I raised £640 which

2 September 2022 – Pulloxhill Singers Golden Anniversary Concert
Friday 2 September – Pulloxhill Singers Golden Anniversary Concert A great achievement – the Pulloxhill singers have been entertaining us for 50 years! Featuring guest soprano Lottie Greenhowe, the Pulloxhill Singers will be singing ‘Songs from the Shows’ on Friday 2 September at 7:30 pm in Pulloxhill Church Tickets are £15 including bubbly and canapes.