to the Benefice of Flitton, Pulloxhill and Silsoe

in Central Bedfordshire - part of the Diocese of St Albans.

Our historic churches are situated in the heart of their communities, and we seek to be a living heartbeat of faith here. We follow Jesus and we want to share the good news of his love with all.

If you live in Flitton,  Greenfield, Pulloxhill, Silsoe, Wardhedges and the surrounding areas, we are your local church, and we are here for you. We also extend a warm welcome to visitors from further afield.

We provide regular services of worship and prayer, and we offer opportunities to learn about and practice the Christian faith. We welcome people of all ages and from all walks of life.

Our local schools are very important to us and we are blessed to work closely with the teachers, staff and children.

The website is packed full of useful information from Sunday Services, activities and events, and helpful advice for those seeking baptisms, weddings and funerals.

Whether you are new or a regular member of the churches or community, we are glad that you are here, and we hope that you find what you are looking for.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of any assistance

Rev Simon and Rev Louise Moore, Vicars

01525 643478          RevSimon@3churches.uk           RevLouise@3churches.uk

Around the Benefice 6 - 15 September 2024

8 September 2024

Church image

Wednesday 11 September 8:30am
 Weekly online prayer meeting – more details here

15 September 2024

Church image


Dear Friends

Trying to brief and concise is an art form which at times can prove elusive. I wonder how many times you’ve sat through a sermon where ‘less would have been more’.  Too much has been said and there have been a bewildering series of points that blur together rather than reinforcing a central point. We’re left uncertain of what has been preached and what we are invited to do.

Jesus was always to the point and in some instances bluntly challenging the status quo. The law was summarised as a deep focus on loving God and then our neighbour, a theme picked up in the verse of the week in James (James 2:8 If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, ‘Love your neighbour as yourself,’ you are doing right.).

Such is the importance of this love for others that it is called a ‘royal law’ and is a precis of the whole of the Old Testament. We need God’s strength and Spirit to live this out, so these words become actions.

May we be shining examples in practice of loving neighbours.

With Love and Prayers


The common shared vision of the Benefice is

“Living  Our Faith, Loving Our Communities” 

and this supported by a set of values across all three churches:

Christ centred     Prayerful     Worshipful     Hospitable     Community focused     United

Each of the three Churches has their own specific opportunities and challenges but by working together and offering an appropriate range of worship options, the Benefice is able to deliver its vision and values and meet the needs of its congregations.