to the Benefice of Flitton, Pulloxhill and Silsoe
in Central Bedfordshire - part of the Diocese of St Albans.
Our historic churches are situated in the heart of their communities, and we seek to be a living heartbeat of faith here. We follow Jesus and we want to share the good news of his love with all.
If you live in Flitton, Greenfield, Pulloxhill, Silsoe, Wardhedges and the surrounding areas, we are your local church, and we are here for you. We also extend a warm welcome to visitors from further afield.
We provide regular services of worship and prayer, and we offer opportunities to learn about and practice the Christian faith. We welcome people of all ages and from all walks of life.
Our local schools are very important to us and we are blessed to work closely with the teachers, staff and children.
The website is packed full of useful information from Sunday Services, activities and events, and helpful advice for those seeking baptisms, weddings and funerals.
Whether you are new or a regular member of the churches or community, we are glad that you are here, and we hope that you find what you are looking for.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of any assistance.
Rev Simon and Rev Louise Moore, Vicars
01525 643478 RevSimon@3churches.uk RevLouise@3churches.uk
Around the Benefice 1 - 9 February
Sunday 2 February

Silsoe 9:30am –
Holy Communion with Rev Simon
Flitton 10:30am – Holy Communion with Bishop Richard of Bedford
Pulloxhill 11am – Holy Communion with Rev Simon
From the Pulpit – Jesus in Nazareth – Rev Louise
In Silsoe Church on 26 January 2025, Rev Louise preached a sermon on the Jesus in Nazareth – you can listen to it here. Bible readings for the day: Psalm 19:1-6 and Luke 4:14-21
Monday 3 February 2 – 4pm – Click Cafe in Flitton & Greenfield Village Hall
Wednesday 5 February 8:30am – Online morning prayers – more details here
Wednesday 5 February 7pm – Third meeting of this year’s Alpha course – more details here
Sunday 9 February

Silsoe 9:30am –
Morning Worship with Rev Louise and Lay Leader of Worship Maggie Jeeves
Flitton 10:30am – Holy Communion with Rev Simon
Pulloxhill 11am – Morning Worship with Rev Louise
Dear Friends
Whenever a baby is seen the words ‘aren’t they lovely’ are not far behind. There is something glorious about new life and the potential for all that is to be. We’ve had the recent privilege of saying this again and again as we hold our latest grandchildren, Summer and Caleb, in our arms. Imagine holding the saviour of the world, Jesus, in your own arms. A moment where words are lost and thankfulness is spontaneous.
This Sunday marks the feast day of Candlemas, it is 40 days since Christmas and marks the end of this season and the moving towards Easter (from crib to cross). Traditionally candles are blessed in church as we remember the light of the world is with us. Jesus is presented in the Temple and there is a glorious encounter with faithful Simeon and Anna. They had been waiting patiently for the promised messiah to be revealed to them. There is joy and confidence in this moment that this child Jesus, has come to be with us all, thank God.
With Love and Prayers
Simon and Louise
The common shared vision of the Benefice is
“Living Our Faith, Loving Our Communities”
and this supported by a set of values across all three churches:
Christ centred Prayerful Worshipful Hospitable Community focused United
Each of the three Churches has their own specific opportunities and challenges but by working together and offering an appropriate range of worship options, the Benefice is able to deliver its vision and values and meet the needs of its congregations.