Resignation Announcement
To the church family at Silsoe, Flitton & Pulloxhill, Over the past few weeks Jo and I have had the opportunity to draw breath and reflect on the past year and to think over a growing uncertainty I have been feeling about my appointment to the churches here. The conclusion I have reluctantly reached is

Updated 11/09/2021. Rev David is organising a collection for the people who have fled the Taliban and have managed to get to England. Several families are in Luton. They need basic toiletries and food which can be used with limited cooking facilities If you are able to help, please take your items to The Vicarage in Silsoe as soon as possible or contact Jo Payne on 01525 864858 to arrange collection.

Silsoe Harvest Supper – Friday 17 September
Silsoe Harvest Supper – Friday 17 September at 7:30 pm. Tickets £10 per person. Available from Jill – 01525 860117, Alan – 01525 864805 or Katie – 07949 156341

Virtual Harvest Service – help needed
We are looking at recording a service to celebrate Harvest. If you’d be interested in contributing to in any way (by offering to read, contribute musically, offer technical talents or be involved in any other way), pleasecontact Clare Butler Ellis at clare.butlerellis@gmail.com as soon

The De Grey Mausoleum – opening 2 days in September
English Heritage are planning to open the De Grey Mausoleum in Flitton Church on two dates in September. This is your opportunity to have a look round this historic Mausoleum so why not put the date in your diary? Opening times are: Sunday 5th September – 2pm – 4pm Wednesday 15th September – 2pm –

Historic Churches Trust – Bike ‘n Hike
The annual Bike ‘n Hike organised by the Beds & Herts Historic Churches Trust is on 11 September. This is a sponsored event with 50% of all monies raised returned to the local church. Margaret Butt from Flitton has started getting into training and says ‘It’s some years since I had done any cycling at