Parish Communion from Silsoe on 27 September 2020
Our Parish Communion service on Sunday 27 September 2020 was recorded at St James the Great, Silsoe and led by Rev Roger Wood on the weekend that he celebrated 50 years since his ordination.
Benefice of Flitton, Pulloxhill & Silsoe
Living our Faith, Loving our Communities
Our Parish Communion service on Sunday 27 September 2020 was recorded at St James the Great, Silsoe and led by Rev Roger Wood on the weekend that he celebrated 50 years since his ordination.
Our Morning Worship service led by Reader Gillian Kern was recorded at St James the Apostle, Pulloxhill on 20 Sept 2020.
Our service of Morning Prayer recorded at St James the Great, Silsoe on Sunday 13 September 2020. Led by Lay Leader of Worship, Maggie Jeeves
Service for Sunday 6 September 2020: Morning Worship led by Reader Gillian Kern, recorded at St John the Baptist, Flitton
Our service of Morning Prayer for Sunday 30 August 2020 was led by members of the Virtual Ministry team, including Rev Anne Barker, Rev Julie Cox, Rev Anna Garvie, Lay Leader of Worship Maggie Jeeves, Reader Gillian Kern and Reader Roy Pinnock.
Our Service for 23 August 2020 was Compline – a service of evening prayer led by Reader Gillian Kern and House Group Leader Liz Coulson. This short service includes a time for Personal Reflection to music by Thomas Tallis accompanied by images of the Holy Island of Lindisfarne.
Our Eucharist service for today is led by Rev Anna Garvie with a sermon from The Rt Revd. Dr Michael Beasley, Bishop of Hertford. Readings are by Gordon Garvie and Gillian Chapple. Hymn music from Simon Stranks and Kevin Mayhew Ltd.
You are welcome to watch the service at any time.
Our Eucharist Service is led by Rev Anne Barker with readings by Margaret Butt and Alan Aldridge. Music provided by Simon Stranks and Kevin Mayhew Ltd. You are welcome to watch the service at any time.
Our Morning Prayer service is led by Reader Gillian Kern and Lay Leader of Worship Maggie Jeeves, with Liz Coulson doing a reading. Hymn music from Kevin Mayhew Ltd. You are welcome to watch the service at any time, but the suggested worship time for our Virtual Congregation is 10am on Sunday 2 August
Our Eucharist Service for Sunday 26 July is led by Rev Anna Garvie with intercessions by Martyn Gates and readings by Martyn Gates and Jo Holt. You are welcome to watch the service at any time but the suggested worship time for our Virtual Congregation is 10am on Sunday 26 July 2020.