After the success of the 2022 Silsoe Photography Exhibition we are running the event and the Photography Competition again in 2023 over the weekend of 7/8th October in Silsoe Church, High Street, MK45 4DR
The Photography Competition this year is on the theme ‘Friendship’; you can find more information here
On Saturday 7th October there will be an Exhibition in Silsoe Church of all the entries in the Competition together with a number of photography related stalls.
In addition, Shillington & District Camera Club will be holding their Annual Print Exhibition plus providing a ‘Help Desk’ to assist people with their photography.
Entry to the Church will be free for the public and there will be refreshments available all day.
On Sunday 8th October the Photography Competition Entries will be on display in the Church following the morning service until 3pm. There will be refreshments available but no stalls and the Shillington Print Exhibition will have been taken down.
Class Sponsorship opportunities for the 2023 Photography Competition:
£15 for Silsoe based businesses (£20 for businesses located outside Silsoe), plus Goody Bags for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed images in the class you sponsor*.
++ Your name will appear by the appropriate Class on the Entry Forms, in the programme and on the Class Display Boards.
++ Your name, logo and at least one contact point will appear in the list of Class Sponsors in the programme and on the Photo Competition and Photo Exhibition web pages (with a clickable link on the web pages)
++ Your name, logo and at least one contact point will appear on the certificates awarded to the winners and runners up of the class.
++ You may provide business cards or flyers to be made available to people attending the Exhibition.
++ The publicity for your business will commence upon payment of your sponsorship fee and will run until 8th October.
++ Your business details will remain on the web pages indefinitely.
* We can help you put together appropriate Goody Bags.
Currently available for sponsorship:
Photographers aged 12 years and under
Photographers aged 13 years to 17 years
Photographers aged 18 years and over
Public Favourite – the most popular image chosen by the public. Goody Bags needed for Winner & Reserve.
Photography Related Stalls
We will have a limited number of stalls on 7 October (currently 6 available) – stalls must have photography related products or services on offer.
Stalls cost £15 plus a prize donation and will be created by placing boards across pews – giving a surface area over 16sq ft (generally 6ft by 4ft). There is no electric supply to the stalls (Feedback from stallholders at our Craft Fair on 1 April 2023 included ‘the most successful craft fair I’ve ever done’).
How to Sponsor a Class or Book a Stall
Contact Gillian Chapple, Church Treasurer, by email on indicating the class you would like to sponsor or the type of products you would like to sell. You will then be sent an invoice with bank details for payment.
The Silsoe Photography Competition & Exhibition is organised by Silsoe Parochial Church Council; any profits made will be put towards the upkeep and running of Silsoe Church and Churchyard. Silsoe Parochial Church Council is a charity but is excepted from registering with the Charity Commission by statute which means that we do not have a Registered Charity number.