20 August 2022 – A concert for the Ukraine


Saturday 20 August – A concert for the Ukraine in Silsoe Church The Rotary Club of Barton Le Clay has organised a concert of live music by two Ukrainian musicians – Mariia Yaremak and Izabella Ivashchenko. Entry is free but donations to support Ukrainian Charities would be appreciated. Tea/coffee and refreshments will be available from … Read more

Night Prayers (Compline) in August

Night Prayers

Night Prayers (Compline) in August During August we will be having a service of Night Prayers (Compline) in each of our Churches: Thursday 11 August  – 8pm at Flitton Thursday 18 August – 8pm at Silsoe Thursday 25 August – 8pm at Pulloxhill All are welcome.

31 July 2022 – Silsoe Pet Service

Pet Service

31 July – Pet Service at Silsoe Daisy the Dachshund meeting one of Rev Louise’s guinea pigs at the Pet Service at Silsoe.  We had dogs, guinea pigs and rabbits at the Pet Service, plus some cats given a mention but not there in pawson! All the animals were very well behaved and even joined … Read more

Benefice Tea Party – 24 July 2022

Afternoon Tea

24 July 2022 – Afternoon Tea at the Vicarage Thanks to Revs Simon and Louise for hosting afternoon tea at the Vicarage.  It was a lovely afternoon with a surfeit of delicious cakes plus a great opportunity for Simon and Louise to get to know more of their new parishioners. The quite strong breeze kept … Read more

Grill A Vicar – Saturday 24 July 2022

Rev Simon Moore

Saturday 24 July @ 11am – Grill A Vicar Rev Simon and Rev Louise are now entering into the life of our communities. On Sunday 24th July we have the  regular Pulloxhill ‘Social Sunday’ when everyone, whether regular worshippers or those just curious to see what’s going on at the church, is very welcome to … Read more

Pulloxhill Coffee Morning – 16 July 2022

Pulloxhill Coffee Cup

16 July 2022 – A successful coffee morning at Pulloxhill The weather was warm but we still welcomed a good number of visitors to our coffee morning on 16th July. Bacon baps and cake were consumed, raffle and lucky dip prizes were won, the quiz was pondered over. But the highlight of the morning was … Read more

Licensing of Reverend Simon Moore and Reverend Louise Moore

Licensing @ Silsoe

Order of Service There will be a retiring collection at the end of the service for the support of ordination candidates in training.  You can donate online using the button below. Donate On Wednesday 13 July 2022 at 7:30pm, Reverend Simon Moore and Reverend Louise Moore were licensed as the Priest in Charge and Assistant … Read more

Silsoe Fun Dog Show – 2 July 2022

Silsoe Fun Dog Show 2022

2 July 2022 – Silsoe Fun Dog Show It was great to see so many people out in force to support the Silsoe Community Society Fun Day and the Silsoe Parochial Church Council Dog Show. Thank you to everyone who took part in the Dog Show or had a go on the Doggie Tombola – … Read more

Preparing for the Licensing

On Saturday 9 July from 9:30am to 12:30pm, we need volunteers to help clean SIlsoe Church in preparation for the licensing of Rev’ds Simon & Louise Moore on 13 July. We have all the cleaning equipment (and refreshments), we just need the bodies! If you can come along to help (even if not for the … Read more