Rev Simon and Rev Louise introduce themselves
A short video from Rev Simon & Rev Louise introducing themselves to their new Parishes.

Can you knit an Easter Egg?
At Flitton, we have built up some amazing knitted displays to go outside the church with Remembrance Sunday poppies and Easter flowers. This year we are working on knitted or crocheted Easter eggs which will be hung on one of the trees in the churchyard. Do join in if you can. There are plenty of

Ash Wednesday & Imposition of Ashes 2022
Join us for our Benefice Ash Wednesday Service on Wednesday 2 March as we prepare to make the journey through Lent together.

A Prayer for the Ukraine
A prayer for Ukraine from Archbishops Justin Welby and Stephen Cottrell

Canon Lynda Klimas appointed Honorary Chaplain to the Queen
Congratulations to Canon Lynda Klimas, our Rural Dean, who has been appointed an Honorary Chaplain to the Queen

Flitton Monthly Clean – February 22nd
Tuesday 22nd is the monthly church clean at Flitton. All help will be gratefully received. We start at 10am, work hard for an hour then eat cake and drink coffee etc at 11am. We are getting ready for a wedding on Friday March 4th – Let’s hope the weather is kind to them.