Rev Ian Smith appointed at Renhold
On Sunday 29 September Bishop Richard had prepared a statement regarding the appointment of Rev Ian Smith which was read out at both Renhold and Flitton Churches at the same time. It read; I am delighted to confirm that the Reverend Ian Smith is to be the new Minister in Charge (0.5) of the Benefice

Rev Dave retires
Sunday 11 August saw a packed church for Rev Dave’s final service. At this United Benefice service held in Silsoe Church over 150 adults and children sang Dave’s favourite hymns and listened to his chosen readings. At the end of the service, Dave and Kath were presented with a large cheque donated by the parishioners

Rev Dave Bell announces his retirement
At the Palm Sunday service on 14 April, which Dave Bell did not attend because he was unwell, Rev Ian Smith read a letter from Dave Bell to the congregation in which he stated that he will be retiring from the benefice. The exact date of his retirement has not been finalised but he will

Lent Course: “Who is my neighbour?”
This course will run throughout Lent within the Benefice . Each of the sessions takes a look at our world in a multi faith society focusing on Judaism, Islam and Christianity. We will look at their foundations faith, history; major events, key players and the basic ethos of Judaism, Islam and our Christian faith. This