Sunday 11 August saw a packed church for Rev Dave’s final service. At this United Benefice service held in Silsoe Church over 150 adults and children sang Dave’s favourite hymns and listened to his chosen readings.
At the end of the service, Dave and Kath were presented with a large cheque donated by the parishioners from all 3 parishes which we hope will enable them to buy something really special. Dave and Kath were also presented with an engraved silver photo frame containing pictures of all three churches. A book of memories and messages from parishioners was also presented.
After the service a buffet lunch at the Vicarage was provided by the PCCs and enjoyed by many well-wishers.
Dave and Kath have contributed a huge amount to the Benefice and life in our villages and will be greatly missed. Our prayers go with them for a future filled with peace and happiness.
He will not forget the work you did, or the love you showed Him
in the help you gave and are still giving to your fellow Christians
Hebrews 6:10