Silsoe Photography Exhibition 2024 - Stall Booking Information

SATURDAY 12th OCTOBER 2024 10am – 4pm
About the Exhibition
The Exhibition will be in Silsoe Church, High Street, Silsoe, MK45 4DR on Saturday 12th October and open to the public from 10am to 4pm; entry will be free with light refreshments available all day. Our local camera club will be running a Help Desk.
We run an annual Photography Competition and the Exhibition is where we display the entries and announce the winners. There are 2 categories – 17 years and under, 18 years and over. The theme for the 2024 Competition is ‘Nature’. The Competition is judged by our Vicars on the appeal of the images and the interpretation of the theme, so not at all like a Camera Club exhibition/competition. There is also a People’s Choice vote at the Exhibition for the most popular entry.
This year we are offering local businesses which provide photography services or photography related products the opportunity to have a stall at the Exhibition.
The Exhibition will be publicised on the Church website, in social media, in local village news and with posters.
You can see the winning entries from last year’s competition (theme ‘Friendship’) here
About the Stalls
Stalls are created by placing boards across pews – giving a surface area around 24 sq ft (generally 6ft by 4ft). Please note there are no electrical points available. There may be limited wi-fi access but we cannot guarantee this. Stalls must have photography related products or services on offer. Stalls cost £20 payable upon booking.
Stallholders will have access to set up from 9am on 12th October; it may be possible for stalls to be set up in the late afternoon on Friday 11th October.
How to Book
Contact Gillian Chapple, Church Treasurer, preferably by email on or by phone/Whats App 07722 423664, indicating what products/services you will be offering.
You will be sent an invoice with bank details for payment.
The Silsoe Photography Competition & Exhibition is organised by Silsoe Parochial Church Council; any profits made will be put towards the upkeep and running of Silsoe Church and Churchyard. Silsoe Parochial Church Council is a charity but is excepted from registering with the Charity Commission by statute which means that we do not have a Registered Charity number.