We want everyone to enjoy themselves and for the dogs and handlers (and the Judge!) to be safe so we have some rules which anyone registering their dog must abide by.
The Rules
We (Silsoe Parochial Church Council) advocate a policy of responsible pet ownership and the health and safety of all dogs taking part in the competition is our major concern:
Please do not force your dog to take part if he or she is not happy doing so.
Your dog(s) must not be left unattended in a vehicle during the event (or at any time).
If poor weather turns into direct sun, it can take only a few minutes for a vehicle to reach temperatures that are a threat to their welfare and even their life.
Only well-socialised dogs (i.e. friendly towards other dogs and people, including children) should attend. The behaviour of your dog is your responsibility.
Please ensure that you follow the standard veterinary advice that your dog is correctly vaccinated to prevent disease and do not bring your dog if they appear to be feeling unwell, have suffered from vomiting or diarrhoea within the past 48 hours or you suspect that they are suffering from a contagious condition.
Dogs must remain on a non-extending lead and be under the handler’s control and supervision at all times.
Please do not bring your bitch if she is in season.
Please do not enter your puppy if he/she is under 4 months old.
Dogs with cropped ears will not be accepted as entrants in any class.
Dog owners/handlers must clean up after their dogs – please remember to bring poo sacks with you and use them.
We reserve the right to remove a dog from the ring if he or she is being aggressive towards another dog/human or is being disruptive to the competition, or showing signs of stress, anxiety, fear, illness or injury.
Everyone who takes part in the Fun Dog Show must be registered no later than 15 minutes before the scheduled class time.
Each class will be limited to a maximum of 30 entries and dogs will be registered on a first come basis.
Participants must arrive at the Fun Dog Ring 5 minutes ahead of the scheduled class time.
If a participant is late for their class, we will do our best to slot the entrant into another class, however this is not guaranteed and no registration fees will be refunded.
If a registered entrant fails to turn up for a class, the registration fee will not be refunded.
We reserve the right to alter or amend the schedule if necessary and to move a participant to another suitable class.
We (and the people assisting with the Dog Show) do not take any responsibility for any loss caused to people or animals whilst attending the Fun Dog Show. By taking part in the Fun Dog Show, you are agreeing to take full responsibility for any injury or damage to and/or caused by your dog(s). You are fully liable for any damage or injury caused by your animal.
Photos of dogs and handlers may be published on the Benefice website and elsewhere on social media. However no surnames will be used – eg Winner – Waggiest Tail: Benji, Handler Milly P. By taking part in the Fun Dog Show, participants are consenting to this.
By taking part in the Fun Dog Show, participants are agreeing to both themselves and their dog being photographed/videoed and for those photos/videos to be used without payment for publicity and other fund raising projects of Silsoe Parochial Church Council.
And lastly – the Judge’s decision regarding the winners and runners-up in each class is final
If your dog has a problem whilst at the Fun Dog Show, please take him or her to the Veterinary First Aid post by the Show Ring where staff from Boness Vets will be on hand to help.
Any profits from the Silsoe Fun Dog Show will be put towards
the upkeep and running of Silsoe Church and Churchyard