Saturday 1st July from 12 Noon
on Silsoe Millennium Green
After the success of the 2022 Silsoe Dog Show we are, by popular request, running the Show again in 2023 as part of the Silsoe Fun Day on Saturday 1st July 2023. You can get a flavour of the 2022 Show here.
Please contact SilsoeTreasurer@3churches.uk if you are interested in any of the Sponsorship opportunities – for the 2023 Dog Show these are as follows:
Sponsor a Class – £20 for Silsoe based businesses, £25 for businesses located outside Silsoe plus Goody Bags for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed dogs in the class you sponsor*.
+ Your name will appear by the appropriate Class on the Entry Forms and in the programme.
+ Your name, logo and at least one contact point will appear in the list of Class Sponsors in the programme and on the Dog Show web page (with a clickable link on the web page)
+ Your name, logo and at least one contact point will appear on the certificates awarded to the winners and runners up of the class.
+ A representative from your business may hand out the rosettes and certificates to the winner and runners up.
+ You may provide business cards or flyers to be made available to people attending the Show.
*We can help you put together appropriate Goody Bags if required.
Classes available for sponsorship:
+ Yummiest Youngster – pups from 4 months to 18 months – sponsored by Sophistipaws
+ Most Adorable Adult – dogs over 18 months and under 7 years
+ Most Gorgeous Golden Oldie – dogs aged 7 years and over – sponsored by Boness Vets
+ Prettiest Girl – sponsored by Ultimate Skin
+ Handsomest Boy – sponsored by Bark and Bounce
+ Best Young Handler – one dog plus a handler aged 6 to 12 years – sponsored by Flitwick Pet Services
+ Waggiest Tail – sponsored by Waggly
+ Best Fancy Dress – fancy dress for handlers optional – sponsored by The Star & Garter
+ Best in Show (no entry fee) – winners from all the preceding classes
Dog Show Photographer – Katrina Wilson Pet Photographer – Pet Portrait Session for Best In Show
Main Show Sponsor, Rosettes, Certificates and Trophies – Boness Vets
Donation of Prizes/Cash
Businesses may donate dog related items (or cash to be used to purchase items) for use in a doggie themed raffle/tombola and/or other prizes during the Show.
Any business donating items which can be used in this way will appear in the list of sponsors in the programme and on the Dog Show web page and may provide business cards or flyers to be made available to people attending the Show.
Monetary donations can be made to:
Bank account name: Silsoe Parochial Church Council
Bank: Co-operative
Reference: Your business name
Sort code: 08-92-99
Account number: 65225516
& please email SilsoeTreasurer@3churches.uk to let us know you have made a donation
If you have any other ideas or suggestions for sponsoring/supporting the Dog Show, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Any profits from the Silsoe Fun Dog Show will be put towards the upkeep and running of Silsoe Church and Churchyard. Silsoe Parochial Church Council is a charity but is excepted from registering with the Charity Commission by statute which means that we do not have a Registered Charity number.
Keep up to date with the 2023 Dog Show News on the Show Page