Current & Forthcoming Events in Silsoe

Silsoe Churchyard

Service dates:
12 September
10 October
14 November
12 December

Midweek Morning Worship – once a month on a Thursday.

We have a monthly midweek Morning Worship service in Silsoe Church.

Starting at 11am with coffee, this is followed by a short service of Morning Worship at 11:30am, after which there is a light lunch at 12 noon. Lead by Reader Gillian Kern and Lay Leader of Worship Maggie Jeeves, everyone is welcome to share in good conversation, worship and refreshments.

Benefice Library

Benefice Library in Silsoe Church

Now available in the porch of Silsoe Church, a selection of books to help you explore the Bible and your faith.

Titles include:

Why Jesus?
God On Mute
Love Beyond Reason
The 100 Verse Bible

Please feel free to pop in and borrow a book. 

Silsoe Church is open daily between 9am and 4pm

Rwandan Flag

Wednesday 17th July, 7.30 – 9pm in Silsoe Church

This year is the 30th Anniversary of the Rwandan genocide.  Antoinette Mutabazi, the Deputy Lead Chaplain at the University of Bedfordshire, will come to Silsoe Church  to share her story of her story of being a 12 year old girl who survived the Rwandan genocide in 1994 and now actively works for peace. This is an opportunity to invite people to hear a moving powerful story and have a sense of the power of forgiveness.

Everyone is welcome.

Silsoe Pet Service

7 July 2024, 3pm – Bring Your Pet to Church

Join us with your pet at our Pet Service in Silsoe Church – a fun-filled event where we celebrate the love & affection that our furry (or not so furry) friends give us. 

Bring along your pet, whether it’s a dog, cat, rabbit, or even a soft toy such as a dinosaur! All pets are welcome to join us in this celebration of love, so come & spread the joy with us