Services in March 2025

DateChurchTimeServiceLed by
2nd MarchReadings2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2Luke 9:28-36
Silsoe9:30 amHoly CommunionRev Anna Garvie & Reader Gillian Kern
Pulloxhill11:00 amHoly CommunionRev Simon & Reader Gillian Kern
Silsoe 6:00 pmReflect and ConnectContemporary Worship Team
Ash Wednesday 5th March Readings2 Corinthians 5:20b-6:10Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21
Silsoe 7:30 pmHoly Communion Rev Simon/Rev Louise
9th March ReadingsPsalm 91:1-11Luke 4:1-13
Silsoe9:30 amMorning WorshipRev Simon & Lay Leader of Worship Maggie Jeeves
Flitton10:30 amHoly CommunionRev Louise
Pulloxhill11:00 amMorning WorshipRev Simon & Lay Leader of Worship Liz Coulson
Thursday 13th March ReadingsIsaiah 55:6-9Matthew 7:7-12
Silsoe11:30 amMidweek worship, coffee at 11, lunch at 12Reader Gillian Kern & Lay Leader of Worship Maggie Jeeves
16th March ReadingsPhilippians 3:17-4:1Luke 13:31-35
Silsoe9:30 amHoly CommunionRev Louise
Flitton10:30 amCafe ChurchRev Simon & Lay Leader of Worship Jo Holt
Pulloxhill6:00 pmHealing Service with Holy CommunionRev Simon & Rev Louise
23rd MarchReadingsPsalm 63:1-9Luke 13:1-9
Silsoe9:30 amHoly CommunionRev Louise & Rev Simon
Flitton10:30 amMorning WorshipReader Gillian Kern
Pulloxhill11:00 amMorning WorshipRev Louise/Rev Simon
Pulloxhill 4:00 pmMessy SundayMessy Church Team
Friday 28th March ReadingsPsalm 81:6-10Mark 12:28-34
Flitton10:00 amSaid Communion (Book of Common Prayer)Rev Anna Garvie
30th MarchReadingsExodus 2:1-10Luke 2:33-35
Silsoe9:30 amAll Age Holy Communion for Mothering SundayRev Simon
Flitton10:30 amAll Age Mothering SundayRev Louise & Lay Leader of Worship Jo Holt
Pulloxhill 11:00 amAll Age Mothering SundayRev Simon

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