5th January | | Readings | Isaiah 60: 1-6 | Matthew 2:1-12 |
| Silsoe | 9:30 am | Holy Communion | Rev Simon |
| Flitton | 10:30 am | Morning Worship | Rev Louise |
| Pulloxhill | 11:00 am | Holy Communion | Rev Simon |
Thursday 9th January | | Readings | Mark 6:45-52 | |
| Silsoe | 11:30 AM | Midweek worship, coffee at 11,lunch at 12 | Reader Gillian Kern & Lay Leader of Worship Maggie Jeeves |
12th January | | Readings | Isaiah 43:1-7 | Luke 3:15-17,21-22 |
| Silsoe | 9:30 am | Holy Communion | Rev Simon & Rev Louise |
| Pulloxhill | 11:00 am | Morning Worship | Rev Simon & Rev Louise |
| Flitton | 6:00 pm | Healing Service with Communion | Rev Simon & Rev Louise |
19th January | | Readings | Isaiah 62:1-5 | John 2:1-11 |
| Silsoe | 9:30 am | Holy Communion | Rev Anna Garvie & Rev Simon |
| Flitton | 10:30 am | Café Church | Lay Leaders of Worship Jo Holt & Margaret Butt |
| Pulloxhill | 11:00 am | Holy Communion | Rev Simon & Lay Leader of Worship Liz Coulson |
Friday 24th January | | Readings | Hebrews 8:6-13 | Mark 3:13-19 |
| Flitton | 10:00 am | Said Communion (Book of Common Prayer) | Rev Anne Barker |
26th January | | Readings | Psalm 19:1-6 | Luke 4:14-21 |
| Silsoe | 9.30 am | Holy Communion | Rev Louise/Rev Simon |
| Pulloxhill | 11:00 am | Morning Worship | Rev Louise/Rev Simon |
| Silsoe | 4:00 pm | Messy Sunday | Messy Church Team |