4th August | | Readings | Exodus 16:2-4,9-15 | John 6:24-35 |
| Silsoe | 9:30 am | Holy Communion | Rev Louise & Rev Simon |
| Flitton | 10:30 am | Morning Worship | Lay Leaders of Worship Margaret Butt & Jo Holt |
| Pulloxhill | 11:00 am | Holy Communion | Rev Louise & Rev Simon |
7th August | | Reading | Psalm 119 | |
| Pulloxhill | 8:00 pm | Compline | Rev Louise |
8th August | | Readings | Luke 1:46-55 | |
| Silsoe | 11:30 am | Midweek Worship (Coffee at 11:00 am) | Reader Gillian Kern & Lay Leader of Worship Maggie Jeeves |
11th August | | Readings | Ephesians 4:25-5:2 | John 6:35,41-51 |
| Silsoe | 9:30 am | Holy Communion | Rev Louise, Rev Simon & Bishop Richard |
| Pulloxhill | 11:00 am | Holy Communion | Rev Louise, Rev Simon & Bishop Richard |
14th August | | Readings | Psalm 91 | 2 Corinthians 9:6-24 |
| Flitton | 8:00 pm | Compline | Rev Anne Barker |
18th August | | Readings | Ephesians 5:15-20 | John 6:51-58 |
| Silsoe | 9:30 am | Holy Communion | Rev Louise |
| Flitton | 10:30 am | Cafe Church | Rev Simon |
| Pulloxhill | 11:00 am | Holy Communion | Rev Louise |
21st August | | Readings | Psalm 119: 129-152 | 2 Peter 3:8-18 |
| Silsoe | 8:00 pm | Compline | Lay Leader of Worship Margaret Butt |
Friday 23rd August | | Readings | Psalm 107:1-8 | Matthew 22:34-40 |
| Flitton | 10:00 am | Said Communion (Book of Common Prayer) | Rev Anna Garvie |
25th August | | Readings | Ephesians 6:10-20 | John 6: 56-69 |
| Silsoe | 10:00 am | Holy Communion | Rev Louise & Reader Gillian Kern |
| Flitton | 12:00 pm | Baptism | Rev Louise |
28th August | | Readings | Psalm 136 | Romans 1:8-17 |
| Pulloxhill | 8:00 pm | Compline | Lay Leader of Worship Liz Coulson |