Services in April 2025

DateChurchTimeServiceLed by
6th AprilReadingsIsaiah 43:16-21John 12:1-8
Flitton10:30 amMorning WorshipReader Gillian Kern
Pulloxhill11:00 amHoly CommunionRev Anna
Silsoe6:00 pmContemporary Holy CommunionRev Louise & Rev Simon
Thursday 10th AprilReadingsJohn 8:51-59
Silsoe11.30 amMidweek Worship – coffee at 11 am, lunch at 12 noonReader Gillian Kern & Lay Leader of Worship Maggie Jeeves
13th April – Palm SundayReadingsPhilippians 2:5-11Luke 19:28-40
Pulloxhill 10:00 amUnited Benefice 10 am Holy Communion Rev Louise & Rev Simon
Monday 14th AprilFlitton7:30 pmCompline (Night Prayer)
Tuesday 15th AprilPulloxhill7:30 pmCompline (Night Prayer)
Wednesday 16th AprilSilsoe7:30 pmCompline (Night Prayer)
Maundy Thursday 17th AprilFlitton Church Hall7:30 pmHoly Communion, preceded by Maundy Thursday Meal at 6pm
Good Friday 18th AprilSilsoe10:30 amMessy Church
Pulloxhill2:00 pmHour at the Cross preceded at 1:30 pm by a Walk with the Cross from Pulloxhill Green
Saturday 19th AprilFlitton6:00 pmMeditation and Prayer
Easter Sunday 20th AprilReadingsActs 10:34-43Luke 24:1-12
Pulloxhill7:30 amDawn outdoor Holy CommunionRev Simon & Rev Louise
Silsoe09:30 amAll Age Easter Holy CommunionRev Louise
Flitton10:30 amAll Age Easter Holy CommunionRev Simon
26th AprilReadingsActs 4:1-12John 21:1-14
Flitton10:00 amSaid Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)Rev Anne Barker
28th AprilReadingsActs 5:27-32John 20:19-30
Silsoe09:30 amHoly CommunionRev Louise
Flitton 10:30 amMorning WorshipRev Simon
Pulloxhill 11:00 amMorning WorshipLay Leader of Worship Liz Coulson

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