Our Churches are committed to safeguarding children, young people and adults from harm. We fully support and endorse the Church of England’s safeguarding policy for children, young people and adults and each Parish has it’s own Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO). If you are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or may be at risk of harm please get in touch with one of the Safeguarding Contacts.
Call 999 if a child or adult is in immediate danger of significant or serious harm
Safeguarding Contacts
Central Bedfordshire Social Services – 0300 3008301
St Albans Safeguarding Advisor – Jez Hirst:
01727 818107
07867 350886
Vicars for Flitton, Pulloxhill & Silsoe
Rev Simon Moore
01525 643478
Rev Louise Moore
01525 643478
Safeguarding Officers
Flitton: Fiona Catlin
07592 029126
Pulloxhill: Vacant
Please contact either Rev Simon or Rev Louise
Silsoe: Rachel Smith
Benefice Safeguarding Lead Recruiter – Katie Shattock
The Parish Safeguarding Handbook can be accessed via this link
You can find more information on Safeguarding on the Diocese of St Albans website here and on the Church of England website here
All 3 Parochial Church Councils have agreed policies for safeguarding children and adults as well as responding to domestic abuse and managing online content. Please contact the Vicars or Churchwardens for further information.