Our annual remembered with love services will be held on Sunday 31 October.
Flitton: 3:00pm
Silsoe: 3:00pm
Pulloxhill: 6:00pm
There will also be a Benefice Remembered With Love recorded service available from 8:00am on 31 October on the Virtual Vicar. (If you would like to be notified when it is available, please email virtualvicar@3churches.uk)
If you would like the name or names of departed loved ones read out during the services, please give the details to:
Flitton: Margaret Butt – mkatebutt@yahoo.co.uk or 07815 610955
Silsoe: Simon Stranks – simon.stranks@3churches.uk or 01462 713036
Pulloxhill: Duncan Robb – duncan@drpropconsultancy.com or 07957 488456