30 October – Remembered with Love
Rev Simon and Rev LouiseĀ would love to invite you, your family and friends to a special service to remember your loved ones. Each church will have a service on 30 October 2022, and you are welcome to attend whichever one is best for you.
Silsoe 2pm
Flitton 4pm
Pulloxhill 6pm
There will be space for prayer and reflection. Names will be read aloud, and candles lit in remembrance.
There is no need to give us names in advance. Cards will be provided on arrival for you to write the names you want to be included.
We do hope that you will be able to attend. However, if you are unable to be with us, please be assured that you remain in our prayers.
Refreshments will be served after the service.
Children are very welcome. In order to provide appropriate resources for them, it would help us to know the ages of any children who are attending with you.
Please let us know if you would like to attend by emailing revsimon@3churches.uk
Or phoning Simon and Louise on 01525 643478.
It would help to know
Your name
Which service you will attend
How many places you need
If any children are coming with you and their ages