Starting in the New Year, the 4th Friday of each month will be an open morning at Flitton Church. We will start at 10am with a short said service of Holy Communion using the traditional BCP words. The first one will be Friday January 28th and will be led by Rev Anne Barker.
Please note that this is instead of our usual 4th Sunday service not as well. With the vacancy, it’s very difficult to get a Sunday Communion service because of a shortage of available clergy although we have no difficulties with other types of services. This is one way that we can be adaptable.
After each service, from 10.30am we will be serving tea and coffee – you don’t have to come to the service if you prefer although obviously it would be great if you did. Just come along at 10.30am and have a chat and a cuppa. Everyone can do that – families with young children, people on their own, anyone who just wants a short time out and about – all are welcome. You can live anywhere – not just the Benefice but from further afield.