Order of Service
There will be a retiring collection at the end of the service for the support of ordination candidates in training. You can donate online using the button below.
On Wednesday 13 July 2022 at 7:30pm, Reverend Simon Moore and Reverend Louise Moore were licensed as the Priest in Charge and Assistant Vicar for the Benefice of Flitton, Pulloxhill and Silsoe.
The service was led by the Bishop of Bedford the Right Reverend Richard Atkinson OBE and the Archdeacon of Bedford the Venerable Dave Middlebrook. Reverend Simon and Reverend Louise were joined in Silsoe Church by colleagues, family, friends and parishioners from their previous parish and their new parishes.
We were able to live stream the service on our 3 Churches Virtual Vicar YouTube Channel and if you would like to watch the service, the recording is still available.
You will be able to follow the Licensing Service with the Order of Service – click on the image to the left to open a downloadable copy.
Following the service, everybody was able to enjoy refreshments at Silsoe Village Hall.