Small groups meeting to study the Bible and build up their faith and fellowship is what home groups and the Bible Book Club are all about.
Prior to Covid we used to run a small Bible study group in our home and during the pandemic some of us have met on Zoom and studied together on line. As things are opening up it is a good time to see where to go next.
You are all invited to come along to a meeting hosted by Rev David and myself to talk about small groups and see what people would like to do, eg meet in homes, meet on Zoom, what to study, days, times etc. This will be held at 7.30pm on Thursday 30th September in the Church at Pulloxhill and is open to anyone in or associated with our Benefice.
Coming to this meeting doesn’t commit anyone to joining a group but is a chance to find out more and share ideas.
Please do contact me if you would like to know more or just turn up on the night.
I can be contacted on 01525 712834 or by email – liz.coulson@3churches.uk