Food Banks at Christmas

Food Aid Network

Christmas is coming and all the indications are that for many families
it will be very difficult to put food on the table.
To help these families in need, the Food Banks
will be working flat out to get food to them
- your support is vital this Christmas.

Items requested are the usual non-perishable items including tinned meat, tinned vegetables, tinned fruit and Christmas Goodies but please NO mince pies or Christmas puddings as the Food Bank receive a lot of these from other sources.  They would prefer big bars of chocolates and tins of chocolates and sweets suitable for all ages.

Silsoe Church

The next collection for Silsoe will be the weekend of 4/5 December so we are asking that any donations be made by 7pm on Friday 3 December – please leave your donations at either:

1 Bedford Avenue (Alison Newham) or 10 Yew Tree Close (Jill Liddle)

Please place the food on the doorstep and knock or ring so it’s known it’s been left.

Any queries please contact Jill Liddle on 01525 860117.

If you know of anyone who might benefit from the Food Bank, please contact Mary on 0737 516772 or 01767 600332 or Preen can be contacted directly via email on

Flitton Church


Items for the Food Bank at Flitton Church may be left in the Church Porch