Can you help at Silsoe Church?

St James the Great Silsoe

At the recent meeting of Silsoe PCC,  it was agreed to reintroduce the services rota.  This is a list of helpers to assist in the smooth running of our services.  The PCC are looking for help with any of the following:

Epistle Reading:

As the heading suggests this is someone to read the First bible reading.


Not everybody’s cup of tea but we have, in the past, had a number of people prepare and lead the intercessions (Prayers) in the service.


We like to have people to welcome and hand out books and papers at the start of the service.  This generally means arriving about 30 minutes before the service.  At the end of the service, the helper collects the books and re-stacks them on the end pew.  This activity is usually carried out by 2 people.


After the service we serve coffee.  Before the service the helpers set up the table with mugs, coffee, tea and biscuits (these are in the cupboard).  After the service, serve the coffee and then clear up. This is usually carried out by 2 people.

Starting January 9th 2022, our usual pattern of services will be:

First Sunday of the Month: 9.30am Holy Communion
Second Sunday of the Month: 11.00am Morning Worship/Family Service
Third Sunday of the Month 9.30am Holy Communion
Fourth Sunday of the month 9.30am Holy Communion

December 2021 services:

We are also looking for help for the December services which are as follows:

5th December 9.30 Holy Communion
12th December 15:00 Christingle Service
19th December 15:00 Carol Service
24th December 14:00 Crib Service
24th December 14:00 Crib Service
24th December 23:30 Midnight Eucharist


If you are able to help,  please email Martyn Gates on and let him know:

Which of the above categories you are able to help with
Which services in December you are able to help with
Which dates you would not be able to help for the months of January, February and March 2022

Thank you