Benefice News & Events – Earlier in 2024

Rev Simon in Africa

Rev Simon teaching in Tanzania & Zimbabwe

Rev Simon teaching in Africa Rev Simon will be travelling to Tanzania and Zimbabwe on Sunday 18th/Monday 19th August; he begins in Tanzania teaching at a conference for 60 pastors for 3 days, then travelling to Zimbabwe on Friday 23rd , preaching in Church in Bulawayo on 25th August, then teaching 50 pastors between Monday-Wednesday,

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2024 Silsoe Craft Fair

23 March 2024 – Silsoe Easter Craft Fair

23 March 2024 -Silsoe Easter Craft Fair We had lots of visitors to the Craft Fair and over 30 children came along to make an Easter Basket. There was a great variety of crafts on sale and we had delicious home made cakes on sale all day. We raised over £500 for the Church –

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Silsoe Pet Service

7 July 2024 – Bring Your Pet to Church

7 July 2024, 3pm – Bring Your Pet to Church Join us with your pet at our Pet Service in Silsoe Church – a fun-filled event where we celebrate the love & affection that our furry (or not so furry) friends give us. Bring along your pet, whether it’s a dog, cat, rabbit, or even

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Silsoe Fun Dog SHow

6 July 2024 – Silsoe Fun Dog Show

Full details of the Dog Show, including Class Times, Registration , etc can be found here Main Show Sponsor, Rosettes, Certificates and Trophies – Boness Vets Show Photographer (& Best In Show Pet Portrait Sittings) – Katrina Wilson Photography 6th July 2024  Silsoe Fun Dog Show Join us at Silsoe Fun Day on the Millennium

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Summer Evening

5 July 2024 – Melodies for a Summer Evening

5 July 2024 – Melodies for a Summer Evening The Pulloxhill Singers present our summer concert for St James Church Pulloxhill. Join us on Friday 5 July  at 7:30pm. Tickets are £10 and include a refreshing glass of wine.  Available from Hilary Parks on 01525 861215.

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