Lent Opportunities for Encouragement – Starting 19 February
Starting 19 February for 6 weeks LENT OPPORTUNITY FOR ENCOURAGEMENT For a one to one conversation with the either of the Vicars or members of the Ministry Team to encourage you in your spiritual journey. Let us know if you’d like a visit or a phone call during the next 6 weeks, to chat about

Starting 19 February 2023 – Lent Opportunity for Encouragement
Starting 19 February for 6 weeks LENT OPPORTUNITY FOR ENCOURAGEMENT For a one to one conversation with the either of the Vicars or members of the Ministry Team to encourage you in your spiritual journey. Let us know if you’d like a visit or a phone call during the next 6 weeks, to chat about

4 February 2023 – Pulloxhill Winter Warmer
Join us in Pulloxhill Church Hall for homemade soups, jacket potatoes and more – 12 noon to 1:30pm

Silsoe Easter Craft Fair 2023 – 1st April 10am – 4pm
Come along to Silsoe Church, High Street, MK45 4DR on Saturday 1st April between 10am and 4pm and enjoy our Easter Craft Fair. Rev Simon and Rev Louise will be leading FREE children’s activities in the Chancel and we will have lots of Craft Stalls around the Church. There’ll be refreshments available all day, so

21 January 2023 – Soup and a Pud at Flitton
Soup and a Pud at Flitton Church Hall – 12 noon to 1:30pm – Join us for a warming lunch

20 January 2023 – Bible Book Club
Friday 20 January 2pm – 3:30pm at The Vicarage – Come along to discuss Mark’s Gospel