There will be a Benefice meeting with Bishop Richard and Archdeacon Dave on Wednesday 12th January at 7.30 pm in Silsoe Church.
Bishop Richard will lead the meeting, but there is not an agenda as such. It is just important to seek as many views as possible about people’s thoughts about what has happened as well as thinking going forward. There is a genuine desire to be as supportive as possible from Archdeacon Dave and Bishop Richard, so the more input they receive, the better the outcome.
Due to the possibility of larger numbers now attending can all please let Jill Liddle know if they will be attending the meeting.
Email: gillian.liddle3@gmail.com or telephone 01525 860117
This will give us an indication of numbers.
We would encourage those attending to take a LFT on the day, but obviously, anyone who suspects they might have been exposed to the virus or who are poorly should follow the government guidance and not attend.
Masks must be worn whilst in church.
Social distancing is to be maintained and the doors and windows will be open for ventilation.
Although the heating will have been put on prior to the meeting, everyone is advised to wrap up warmly.
No refreshments are being served.
The church will be open from 7.00 pm for a 7.30pm start.