All Age service for Sunday, 24 May

Communion by Sea of Galilee

Our All Age service for Sunday 24 May is led by Lay Leader of Worship Maggie Jeeves with readings by Liz Shortland and Simon Stranks.  As well as the Service sheet, there are some additional sheets which can be downloaded. 

Reflection and prayers for this service are taken from Roots on the Web (Live your Faith ‘Glorify your name’ – 23-30 May 2020). Additional prayers taken from ‘Clouds and Glory!’ (Year A) by David Adam

You may watch the service at any time, but the suggested worship time for our Virtual Congregation is 10am on 24 May 2020.

Click on the buttons below to see the Service Papers and to watch the service on YouTube – each will open in a new window.

Praying hands

Please remember in your prayers this week

Those who have recently died

 Joyce Buckley, Alan Dodd,
Mike Jarrard, Eva McAllister,
Bryan Millin, Roni Pilcher,
Pat Porter,
Elizabeth Southwell

and their families & friends who mourn them, including

Pamela Buckley, Chris & Katie,
Jan Jarrard,
David, Elizabeth & George McAllister,
David Pilcher

Those who are ill

Des Brazier, Mike English,
Stella Lawton, Joan Preston