Services at Flitton


1st Sunday 10:30am: Morning Worship

2nd Sunday at 10:30 am: Communion  

3rd Sunday at 10:30 – 12:00: Cafe Church, with refreshments and sometimes there are children’s activities

4th Friday at 10 am: Holy Communion (BCP) (no service at Flitton on the 4th Sunday) 

5th Sunday: United Benefice service  (all  together, in one  of the three churches)

Flitton Interior


Morning Worship is a traditional morning service, which takes about 45 minutes.

Choral Communion is a traditional communion service. Those who have been confirmed can come up to the altar for the bread and wine, and those who haven’t can come up for a blessing or are welcome to remain in their seats. Often, the choir will be there and some parts of the service will be sung. This usually lasts an hour.

Cafe Church is a very informal gathering. The church will be open from 10:30 to around 12 noon, with refreshments available throughout -sometimes in the church hall – giving an opportunity to meet people, socialise and chat. There might be activities for children, and they are always most welcome – no need for ‘good’ behaviour! There is a short  ‘reflection’ at around 11 am. Please come and join us, whether you are a church regular, occasional visitor, or totally new to us!

The Holy Communion BCP service is from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer, but there are no hymns or singing and takes only around 30 minutes.