Eucharist Service for 3 May

Good Shepherd Eucharist

A Eucharist service for Good Shepherd Sunday led by Rev Anne Barker, readings by Linda Brown and Dr Clare Butler Ellis, intercessions by Martyn Gates.

You may watch the service at any time, but the suggested worship time for our Virtual Congregation is 10am on Sunday 3 May.

Click on the buttons below to see the Service Sheet and to watch the service on YouTube – each will open in a new window.

Praying hands

Please remember in your prayers this week

Those who have died, including

Les Chambers,
Bethany Edwards

and their family and friends
who mourn them

Those who are ill

Des Brazier,
Alice Butler,
Kay Chambers,
Kara De Napoli – granddaughter
of Margaret Butt
Stella Lawton,
Sally Metianu,
Bill Powers,
Joan Preston,
Malcolm Smith

and we also remember

Jonah – born at 27 weeks –
great-grandson of Anne Stiles

All the staff and residents
at Taymer Nursing Home