Silsoe Photography Competition – Closing date 6:30pm Friday 7 October.
Congratulations to Niamh S who won the 13-17 years category with her photo of Barton Springs and to Finlay H who’s image ‘Snoozing on a Sunday’ was Highly Commended in that category.
In the 18 and over category, Gillian C won with her image of ‘Home Moorings’. Ruby P was second with her ‘Generations’ image and Mike O was third with his image ‘A Strange Home’
Highly Commended were images from Fenella B, Ian C, Gillian C, Maggie J and Katie S.
A photography competition on the theme ‘Home’ – open to all, young or old, camera phone or dslr.
How would you interpret that?
Is it:
Your family?
A loved one’s arms?
Your house/garden?
A boat coming into harbour ?
Sheep in a pen?
A warm fire in a hearth?
or even an abstract that conveys a sense of HOME
Get creative and enter our Photo Competition
– or have a look back through your old photos,
maybe you’ve got an entry already
There are 3 age groups in the Competition:
12 years & under 13 years to 17 years 18 years and over
The closing date for entries is 6:30pm on 7 October – for more details see here
Entry to the Exhibition is FREE.