7.30–9.30 pm in Silsoe Village Hall
Tickets £12.50 per person
28 September 2024 – Silsoe Harvest Supper
Ham, Cheese & Pork Pie Ploughman’s Supper with Cottage Roll and Salad,
followed by Fruit Pie & Cream.
Apple juice will be provided, or you are welcome to bring your own drinks.
(Please advise us of any Dietary Requirements by calling Rachel on 07761 465654 by Wednesday 25th September)
All Crockery, Cutlery and Glasses will be provided
To order tickets please call:
Jill 01525 860117; Ann on 01525 861107
Katie on 07949 156341; Alan 01525 864805
As usual there will be Two Table Quizzes – so get your thinking caps on!