Healing Prayer

13 October 2024 Healing Service  in Silsoe Church

On Sunday 13 October at 6pm we have a Healing Service in Silsoe Church to which everyone is welcome.

It will be a simple service of Holy Communion with a theme of healing in the talk and the reading and prayers. We come to God to ask him for wholeness, well-being and healing for ourselves, for those we love and those we are concerned about. It is to be remembered the minister does not do the healing, God does, but acts as a channel

During the service people may ask for prayers for themselves or for someone else.  They will be asked if they wish to be anointed.

When someone is anointed, we pray that as we are outwardly anointed with oil, we shall be inwardly anointed with the Holy Spirit. The minister will anoint a person using his/her thumb or forefinger, making the sign of the cross with a small amount of oil on the forehead.

What form that healing will take we cannot tell. It may help carry us through a prolonged illness or disability or a recovery more rapid than expected. We may experience our fear of death being driven out by God’s love or there may be a healing which is so unexpected that we immediately want to thank God.

Our healing service is held for parishioners, friends of parishioners who do not normally attend a church service and of course is open to any visitors.

We look forward to seeing you – all are very welcome