Around the Benefice during Holy Week and over Easter

You are welcome to join us at any of the following services
Palm Sunday 2 April: 10am All Age Holy Communion at Silsoe
Monday 3 April: 12 noon Midday Prayer at Silsoe
Tuesday 4 April: 8pm Night Prayer at Flitton
Wednesday 5 April: 9:30am Morning Prayer at Pulloxhill
Thursday 6 April: 7pm Maundy Thursday Meal at Silsoe
Jesus had supper with his friends on the night before he died. In keeping close to the story of what happened that night, we also plan to eat together before sharing communion. The meal will be lamb tagine, in slow cookers, with bread and salad followed by fruit for dessert. If you would like to join us, please phone 01525 643478 or email or
Thursday 6 April: 8pm Holy Communion at Silsoe
Good Friday 7 April:
- Walk of Witness – leaving Silsoe School at 10:30am
- All Age Service – 11am at Silsoe Church
- Walk to Church – leaving Pulloxhill Green at 1:30pm
- Last Hour at the Cross – Pulloxhill Church at 2pm
Holy Saturday 8 April: 6pm Vigil at Flitton
Easter Sunday 9 April:
- Sunrise Communion Service – 7:30am at Pulloxhill
- Easter All Age Holy Communion – 9:30am at Silsoe
- Easter All Age Holy Communion – 10:30am at Flitton