Saturday 14 September – Historic Churches Bike ‘n Hike
Bike ‘n Hike is the main annual fundraising event for the Beds & Herts Historic Churches Trust and makes for a great day out.
Each church involved keeps half of the funds raised by its supporters, while the remainder plus gift aid goes to the Trust to be awarded as grants to help maintain these historic buildings.
Margaret Butt will be cycling a marathon for Flitton Church and hopefully visiting 15 churches. If you would like to sponsor MargaretĀ please contact her on mkatebutt@yahoo.co.uk. Half of the money raised will go directly to Flitton church and half to the Beds and Herts Historic Churches Trust. Flitton PCC will then apply to them for grants for work done to the Church and it is hoped that the Trust will giveĀ£10,000 towards getting water into the Church.