Silsoe PCC & Community Contacts
Information and details of our Churchwardens, Parochial Church Council (PCC) members and our other Church community groups and organisations can be found on this page.
There are occasions when other organisations or societies need to be contacted to help us deliver effective pastoral care for Church members or others seeking help and support. A full list of these organisations is available here.
Jill Liddle: 01525 860117
Simon Stranks (also Tower Captain): 07484 818418
PCC Members
Alan Aldridge – Secretary & Deanery Synod Rep:
07808 761295
Gillian Chapple – Treasurer & Benefice Webmaster:
01525 860267
Maggie Jeeves
Michael Liddle – Deanery Synod Rep
Katie Shattock – Safeguarding Lead Recruiter
Rachel Smith
St James Guild of Bell Ringers
The St James Guild of Bell Ringers meets each Monday at 7:45pm in the Church Tower to practice.
Anyone interested in joining the Bell Ringers is welcome to come along to Monday practice.
Contacts: Simon Stranks – Tower Captain 07905 182483
Barbara Fraser 01525 861709
St James Illuminated
If you would like to sponsor the illumination of the Church to commemorate a special event, please Contact: Alan Aldridge 07808 761295
Book of Remembrance
To arrange for entries in the Book of Remembrance held in the Church,
please contact: Jan Jarrard 01525 860550
Church Cleaning
If you can spare a small amount of time to help with keeping our Church clean and polished, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact: Simon Stranks 07484 818418
Church Flowers
If you would like to help with the floral decorations in the Church or cleaning the brasses, either on a regular basis or at festivals such as Christmas or Easter, please contact: Ann Swain 01525 861107
Friends of Silsoe Church
The Friends of Silsoe Church is a separate organisation from the PCC and was set up with the aim of raising funds to support the Church.
St James on Facebook
As well as our website, we also have a St James the Great, Silsoe Facebook Page
Safeguarding Contacts
St Albans Safeguarding Advisor – Jez Hirst:
01727 818107
07867 350886
Vicars for Flitton, Pulloxhill & Silsoe
Rev Simon Moore 01525 643478
Rev Louise Moore 01525 643478
Benefice Safeguarding Lead Recruiter – Katie Shattock
Silsoe Safeguarding Officer – Rachel Smith